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Artist Statement

        To express my interest in the study of color, my art is based on the breakdown of a subject’s form. When considering my subject matter, I look closely at my life experiences and how I was raised. I am from south Louisiana where “Laissez les bons temps rouler” (let the good times roll) is major part of our culture. Along with having a good time, having a close family is held to the highest esteem. My family was full of life and energy, and I express that energy through my work by focusing on color and its interaction with shapes. Each family member has an extroverted personality, which I replicate with various colors. I focus on the emotional qualities that color arouses in people. such as blue evoking sorrow or red evoking anger

        Color is my main concern when producing art. Warm and cool colors are placed carefully, dividing my artwork, and replacing the shadows and highlights. Organic Shapes and patterns are the center of my composition, interacting with one another to create the subject’s form. Allowing me to abstract, the shapes give me the freedom to experiment with color disguising the form from the viewer. Artists like Emily Carr influence my artwork. I look towards Carr’s landscapes and totem poles, which use organic forms. When I abstract and simplify the subject, her organic forms influence the direction and movement in my art.

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